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Compensation law; is an important area of ​​law that defends the rights of the defendant and the plaintiff parties. Compensation law; It is examined in two ways as material compensation and moral compensation. Material compensation refers to the rights individuals can gain as a result of death or physical discomfort. Financial compensation has a much wider range. Spiritual damages; emotional and spiritual cases that people can open if they are harmed. We can list the reasons for the compensation law cases to be filed as follows:

Traffic accident
Unfair arrest,
Attack on personality rights,
Damage to brand reputation,
Mobbing (workplace pressure),
Lack of support,
Work accident,
Violation of a contract made,
To commit any crime,
Application mistakes in the field of medicine,
Within the scope of divorce,
Copyright infringement,
Crimes on social media,
Disruption of the engagement,
In cases related to the property, compensation cases can be opened.

Regardless of the subject of compensation cases, the person who is the subject of the act or the lawyer of that person should be opened. However, in case of death of the person subject to the case, he can file a lawsuit in first degree relatives. If a financial loss of income occurred due to the death of the person, the relatives of the deceased person can open a compensation claim.

What is Spiritual Compensation?

The question of what is moral compensation is among the most frequently asked questions of people. Spiritual indemnity are indemnity lawsuits filed for damages, suffering and money for this pain as a result of an incident. Spiritual harm can be explained as the objective decrease in personality values. In the scope of compensation law, moral damages are limited. These are as follows.

Damage to personality values
Attack on name
Termination of marriage
Engagement distortion
Causing body damage or death

The amount of compensation in the case of moral compensation; the rate of defect is determined by taking into account the adjective of the crime, the authority occupied by the parties and other socio-economic situations.

What is Material Compensation?

Unlike the moral compensation case, the cases of pecuniary damages are the cases that individuals can open in case of material damage. With the pecuniary damages case, the damages of the person can be covered. The person who suffered financial damage in the compensation case must apply to the Civil Court of First Instance personally or through his lawyer. Both cases can be opened for 1 to 10 years. In cases of more than 10 years, people lose their right to sue. In addition, the time for filing a lawsuit involving the unfair act is 2 years. After 2 years, the right of individuals to open material or moral damages disappears.

Compensation Lawyer

Compensation lawyer is the lawyer who defends the rights of the defendant and the plaintiff in lawsuits filed under compensation law. In cases requiring compensation, both the defendant and the plaintiffs need an expert and successful compensation lawyer in order to defend themselves, protect their necessary legal rights and win the case. In this context, although it is not legally compulsory, individuals should receive consultancy service from compensation lawyers in compensation lawsuits, since it will positively affect the course of the case. As Anadolu Law and Consultancy Firm, we defend the rights of both defendant and plaintiff parties in compensation law cases and ensure the fairest result of the case. In compensation cases, it is very likely that the case was lost due to minor errors. Especially in the light of the information obtained from uninformed people in this field, preparing a lawsuit means that the parties lose the case from the beginning. For this reason, you can get the necessary information about the compensation case from Anadolu Law and Consultancy Office and get consultancy service in this field. Contact us for detailed information.

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