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Health law is one of the areas of law we operate as Anadolu Law Firm. Health law, as the name implies, refers to the lawsuits and legal processes opened in line with the problems occurring in health services. Health law; It organizes the relations between healthcare providers such as doctors and nurses, health institutions and patients. In addition, health law regulates the relations of health institutions and patients with the state. Therefore, it is possible to mention that health law is a mixed branch of law. Health law in general; It may also include branches of law that have private and private law qualities, such as civil law, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, and commercial law.

Today, many regulations on health law are made. Accordingly, we can state that the principles included in the constitution are the basis of the health legislation. Health law is a branch of law created on the basis that every person has the right to a healthy and quality life. The state prepares and presents health legislation to protect the rights of both patients and healthcare professionals and to regulate their relations with each other. Health law is also regulated under the legislation in question.

Cases related to health law are brought to consumer courts. If there is no consumer court in the city where the persons are located, the cases can be brought to civil courts. While the parties subject to the case are able to open the cases on their own, it is possible to open such cases by the lawyers.

As Anadolu Law Firm and Consultancy Firm, we talked about our activities in the field of health law. In this context, as Anadolu Law Firm and Consultancy Office, we can state that we offer the following services within the scope of health law.

Preparation and arrangement of contracts with healthcare providers, patients, employees and government institutions in accordance with the law,
Providing legal advice regarding the permit procedures of the Ministry of Health,
Following the material and moral damages and criminal cases arising from medical intervention and diagnostic errors of the personnel serving in the field of health,
Follow-up of lawsuits related to healthcare professionals and patients’ insurance disputes,
Follow-up of lawsuits related to insurance and criminal disputes caused by doctors due to malpractice,
Solving the problems occurring between the Social Security Institution and the health services and following the cases related to the said problems,
Following the judicial process of applications and objections to government agencies regarding health providers,
Preparation of contracts for the organization of production, distribution and research on medical devices, pharmaceutical raw materials and medical supplies,
Tracking cases related to medical drug patents and disputes arising from drug brands,
We provide health law attorney service and consultancy service to the defendant and plaintiff parties in areas such as the follow-up of the lawsuits filed by the patients about the health services they receive.

Health Law Attorney

Health law attorneys are lawyers who specialize in health law and offer consultancy services to their clients. In health cases, the parties can also follow the proceedings themselves. The defendant and the plaintiff parties are not obliged to have a lawyer in any way. However, it is extremely important to get support from lawyers who have knowledge and experience in this field in order to conclude health cases in the most equitable and fair way. Because there is information about the health law that the lawyer knows and the parties do not know and cannot learn online. In this regard, the lawyer of health law is extremely important for the best conclusion of the case. If you also need a lawyer service from the above mentioned issues, you can get detailed information about the subject by contacting Anadolu Law Firm and Law Firm.

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